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Linda sang at the
First Annual Broward County, FL Republican Executive Committee Luncheon!
at the

Trump International Golf Club
West Palm Beach, FL



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Breaking News!!

On September 5, 2023 I was honored to be named the Precinct Person For The Ravalli County Republican Committee!

My mission will be to bring awareness of current events to the people and committee.  We must stand up to the atrocities plaguing our Country! We must never back down!  Fight fire with fire and put God back into the center of the USA!

" Linda Lanier Proudly Stands Behind The Thin Blue Line"

On Nov. 11th, Linda debuted in Hamilton, Montana her song “Hero Behind The Badge”.  At the end of the song the crowd gave a standing ovation. We had officers from the Hamilton Montana Police department as well as the Highway Patrol from Helena Montana standing with pride during this debut. The picture on the left is Linda’s son Cody, he was one of the first responders to arrive at the Century 16 Movie Theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado. The picture is actual footage that went viral from the news station. The tragedy that every officer responded to that morning, is one that will forever be embedded in their minds.


There is a war on cops at this very moment. The statistics show that every 17 hours an officer dies of self-inflicted wounds. They need our support now more than ever. Who is it that we call when we are in trouble? We call the ones in blue.  If anyone knows a radio station that would utilize this song and or a possible interview with Linda Please contact us.

©2016 Linda Lanier
Hits since February 2016
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