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Hello to all reading this newsletter!

Please look for my newest video "Tell Me About Jesus", on YouTube!

This election is the most important one ever!  Some say they don't like Trump's' Tweets, some say they don't like some of his language, I understand!  But we need to see beyond that and think about saving our Country!  I am putting on two rally's in September and October entitled "God Save America!".  This is also a song and video off my latest album entitled "A Better World".

Our Country was running great while under Trump's leadership.  Please vote!!  If you don't vote for Trump you will be giving your vote to someone who will finish ushering in communism!  

Please be praying for America, asking God to forgive us for becoming such an immoral nation!  Remember we were feared, revered, and respected!  Not anymore!  If you love America help us keep it!!

May God's blessing be upon all of you.

Love In Christ,


P.S.:  Go to YouTube and look up these videos:  "What An Awesome God You Are!" , "Let The Nation Sing!" and the my new release "Tell Me About Jesus!".

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